Monday, February 28, 2011

Rainbow Tree

I love this green, purple and pink tree!  Click on the image to see it closer!

Crazy Waterfall Day

A handful of my classmates and I hiked the ominous Waipio Valley (non) trail to reach this massive waterfall... We started by walking down a 25% grade mountain slope, then forged our way through rainforest plants and very slippery rocks for 3 hours following a river (and not always the hard-to-follow trail).  We held our camera gear over our heads multiple times as we waded through chest-deep waters (to find the trail on the other side), got lost scrambling up and down another mountain side...  And finally.... We made it~  And this awesome sight was our reward!

On the way back it started raining and the darkness was impending... I prayed that we'd make it through the deep forests and river wading before dark!  Through some crazy mishaps, including someone being submerged in murky water with their valuable possessions mostly unharmed, we made it back to civilization and up the 25% grade mountain-side to our inviting rental car.  We were so happy to be warm and alive... and to have seen and captured the beauty of the waterfall...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Taste of the Island

Our class went on a 2 day "Around the Big Island" trip~ Here is a small taste of what we saw~ I took 1,000 photos.... so a lot to go through!

Friday, February 4, 2011


The Banyan Tree Cafe ~ gotta love panoramas! Click on the photo to see it bigger~

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

sleepy surf cAt

just seeing these pics makes me relaxed... This was at Kona Boys surf shop~   :)