Tuesday, May 7, 2013

a boy + a girl & some parasites

*I am not a doctor.  If you have a serious or life-threatening health condition, please seek advice from your doctor, not me. *

This is not a love story, as the title may suggest.  :)  This is a true story from my life about an unfortunate turn of events that led to a natural solution.  Maybe you'll never need the parasite-killing information found in this text-- but maybe you will.  Perhaps just keep it in the back of your mind for future reference and for now, enjoy:

Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl who traveled to the jungles of Mexico.  This was no resort stay, this was an absolute adventure, and I (the girl in the story) unfortunately did not have the best attitude. It was roughing it to the extreme and I was feeling worn out.  We were on a 2 month long missions trip and apparently my heart needed a little re-boot.  Anyways, into the jungle we hiked, all of us in a long line, hiking up and down little hills to reach a village where we were to stay for a couple days.

I truly wish in retrospect that I'd had a better attitude.  It was, after all, a once-in-a-lifetime kind of experience:  a remote village in the Chiapas jungle;  a group of genuine people opening their village to us foreigners;  a chance to witness life as I'd never seen it.   No running water.  No silverware.  No beds to speak of.  No chairs.  No toilets.  No doctors.  No toothbrushes or toothpaste.  No manicured lawns.  No air conditioning.  The list could go on.

BUT, they did have joy;  laughter;  family;  animals to love;  natural, gushing jungle beauty galore~ There were no shortages of these.

There was, however, a shortage of clean drinking water.  The water we drank, came from a large river that was rushing down rock canyons not too far of a hike from the village.  We hiked there one day after hot work in the sun to swim and relax.  Village children were also there, playing and washing in the crystal clear, refreshing waters.  These beautiful waters were laden with unseen passengers.  Parasites.  And after our trip they had found new homes.  Deep within our very bellies.

Having a parasite is no picnic.  Having a plethora of parasites, even worse.  Some of us were hospitalized and treated in Mexico.  I ended up <unknowingly> taking the little scavengers back with me to the States~ And in bathroom agony, realized that I had a serious problem on my hands.  A parasite problem.

I got a culture and was told that the type of parasite I had was particularly strong and resistant to antibiotic treatments.  For those inquiring minds, it is called Blastocystis Hominis.  So, I dug around and did a little research with some help from family.  What I found is what I'm sharing with you now-- 4 herbs that taken in combination, killed that parasite FOR GOOD within a month or so.

1) Tincture of clove
2) Black Walnut husk capsules
3) Oil of Oregano capsules
4) Tincture of Gentian

Please consult a naturopath to be certain that this would work for you.  Some of these herbs are VERY strong and can be harmful if taken incorrectly.  I alternated herbs so that the parasite never got a chance to become resistant to one.

So .... that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  Feel free to message me with any questions you have.  And, I have a lot more adventurous stories to share in the future, so stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. A fascinating story, Jackie. And I'm glad you found a successful solution. Too often when people rely on conventional Western medicine alone they end up on a slippery slope to more and more intervention. Good on you to share your experience so more people know there are other ways to resolve health problems such as these.
