Saturday, April 21, 2012

Life Happens!

Quite often, life just doesn't go as planned.  

People often commented this fact to me leading up to my labor. "Don't get too set on your birth plan," they'd gravely say.  "Things never go the way you think they will" was the sage advice.   But I was indignant--just because OTHERS had traumatic, over-the-top labors didn't mean that I had to.  In my wet behind the ears estimation, I had done "everything right." I was taking a very expensive, high-quality packet of pre-natal vitamins daily for a whole year before I got pregnant...just to get my body ready.  I exercised nearly every day and ate very healthy (especially if you call dark chocolate healthy) :) I was ready~ "Bring on the childbirth", I thought! 

And then, as happens in all good plots, things went awry.  I started to get a whiff of it when my due date came and went without even the hint of a Braxton Hicks contraction. Then a week overdue came and went. No Braxton Hicks. Two weeks. Nada.  Now I was getting nervous.  Did I happen to mention that sweet little baby girl ME was 18 days overdue? "This can't be happening to me," I thought as the days passed glibly by. 

And then I did it.  I'll admit, I was warned.  But the promise of what that bottle of Castor Oil could do for me was just too tempting.  At 15 days overdue I drank a castor oil smoothie. And it actually tasted good!  I wondered what would happen next... I waited. And as I had anticipated, I got sick. But then, it happened! Labor began! We packed the car and headed up to the Cities to stay with family so we could be closer to the natural childbirth center where I would have a natural water birth attended by a Nurse Midwife. (Clearly, I had it all planned out). 

Labor lasted all night, but fizzled out in by morning. I was SO BUMMED.  I did a lot of walking and waited it out. Labor resumed that evening and lasted all night--but in true form, fizzled out again by morning.  Just so we're on the same page, that's now 2 nights of little sleep between contractions. The next day (Day 3) I had contractions interspersed all day. By 11pm, they were very regular and increasingly STRONG. I labored all night (third night of labor) and didn't really sleep. I labored all night and all day the next day and then on into the night. By 2a.m. the next morning (28 hours of strong, unmedicated labor later) I fizzled out. My body started shaking and couldn't stop. My ketone levels were really high. I began having the kind of "out of body" experience that happens when you're in a lot of pain and your body doesn't know how to handle it. Add that to the fact that my dilation began to regress and you have a grim picture. 

Two I.V.s later, I began to beg to be taken to the hospital. I truly did not think I had the energy to push the baby out. He/She felt very stuck. 
"Why else could my labor be lasting so long?"

I'll spare you the movie-quality, adventure-packed story of my crazy transfer to a hospital and all THAT entailed, but let's just say, "Honey, it wasn't pretty." 36 hours of labor in total, and I pushed my sweet 9 lb. 21.8 inch baby BOY into this world. Sweetest victorious moment in my life.

Life sometimes happens in stark contrast to our dreams.  But we're okay and I'm thankful.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Growing with my Baby

Having a baby is SUCH a growing experience--clearly in more ways than one!! It's kind of surreal to have this little nugget inside of you for SO LONG (much longer for me than most being 20 days overdue...) and then, poof, baby's in my arms and in my home and forever in my heart. And now I'm a Mom.  

Now I'm that lady pushing her baby in a shopping cart making all the goo goo ga ga noises to him, oblivious of all the other child-less people around me thinking I'm crazy.  I'm that person that gets peed on and puked on at least once a day and doesn't think it's gross; I'm the one who doesn't have a life outside of my baby and thinks it's the greatest privilege in the world to get out to do mundane tasks like grocery shopping or working out for 30 minutes before being summoned to feed the starving little child.

But not to scare those who haven't passed into the realm of motherhood yet.  There is nothing more precious than holding your little prize after all the huffing and puffing of pushing him out. Looking into those tiny eyes that look to you for all the love and comfort and nourishment he needs is SO PRECIOUS. Seriously. And now, at almost 3 months, having him flash me the most award-winning smile just because I'm his Mom and he loves me--nothing sweeter.  The way he cuddles into me when he's tired and clings to me like a little baby orangutan... These are the things I've dreamt of but couldn't imagine as my reality.

Here's to starting to blog about my life as a Mom and all the other little things in between.  It's going to be a wild ride!