Thursday, August 14, 2014

Stumbling Forward

And the world stumbles madly forward.

What else can we do?

War in Ukraine;  War in Israel, Palestine, Syria; Horrific persecution in Iraq; Ebola ravaging Africa; Black teen shot & killed;  Innocent child raped and murdered; Famous actor taking his life~

And still, we stumble forward.

We wake up.  We care for our children, our spouse.  We go to work and fulfill our duties.  We write checks to pay our bills.  We wash dishes, take walks, think, pray.

We all desperately need God.  Hope.  Peace.  Love.  Love for our enemies.  Love for those who persecute us.  Love, often, for ourselves.  The grace of Jesus to cover our failings, shortcomings, imperfections;  Our glaring imperfections.

Amazing grace.  I wish I could just "get" it.  For myself. For others.  That perfection doesn't have to be the goal because it can never be on this earth.  That who I am, who you are, is enough, Today.

And someday, when face to face with God in Heaven, I will be whole~ perfect in His perfection.

But until then, I must stumble forward.  Because at least then, I am alive.  Trying.  Loving, though imperfectly.  Apologizing when I fail.  Forgiving when others fail me.  Getting back up and stumbling forward again.

And maybe if covered in God's grace, this stumbling journey may end up appearing Beautiful.  Grace-full.  Not perfect, but enough.  Because I'm here.  Trying.  And turning my eyes and my life over to the One who is perfect and who is Love.

May God be with all those hurting souls around the world.  May His grace & love give them the courage and hope to stumble forward, right along with the rest of us.