Saturday, August 13, 2011

End of wk. 2

Sometimes I look down and my growing belly and up at the cloud crowned mountains and can't believe we're here~  But each new day and it's experiences prove that yes, we are living this adventure.

My days have been quite different than Elijah's the last couple weeks. He has been filming every scene from the movie for about 12 hours a day at different locations around the mountains.  One particular day that stands out, the film crew and actors accompanied the Colombian military up a mountain for a 45 minute hike only to reach the sound of gunfire and bombs going off!  The soldiers threw their helmets at the film crew and everyone crouched down low. Thankfully, it was just a practice zone for the military, but they said it felt like they were in a war!  Elijah said the guys loved it!! They each got to shoot one of the machine guns into a target and one of our guys got to light a grenade....  Yikes..

Elijah has been seeing myriads of exotic birds every single day and absolutely LOVES it. Colombia is truly the land of birds.

I am personally thankful that I have mostly stayed around the finca that we're staying at.  I teach my 1st grade student twice a day and spend the rest of the time reading in a hammock, swimming and going on outings up to the mountain to view the filming or down to the nearest village to shop for groceries, observe the locals and once to watch a local dance competition.

Baby has been more and more active. Yesterday for example, after eating a couple bananas (no, one doesn't do it for me anymore), baby started kicking like crazy. I think he/she REALLY likes bananas!

Please pray for us as we're here.  There are certainly challenges to being pregnant in a foreign land, and I would appreciate any prayer support that I can get!



  1. What film is Elijah working on? It must be exciting to get to enjoy this new adventure in Colombia, however, I will pray for you and Baby. I love the birds too!

  2. gosh babe, sounds like a rough life :P I'm a tad jealous over here as I start my job... lol love u!

  3. very beautiful photos! Hope you're enjoying it all!
