Friday, July 15, 2011


It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, "Always do what you are afraid to do."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Take calculated risks.
That is quite different from being rash.
George S. Patton

We are embarking on a season of life that I am kind of afraid of... We are branching out on our own in business, without the support of a steady salary to depend on... It's sink or swim and in this economy I see a lot of sinking ships.  

But God is leading us on this journey and it seems like this is the current path that we are supposed to take. To me it feels like jumping off a cliff to hang glide over the deep wide ocean without any island to land on in sight.  And just when we think we're going to sink into the depths of the sea with the sharks, a gust of wind picks up, we keep sailing and God provides again. 

We have a baby coming. We are supposed to be responsible. But hopefully Baby will see that his or her Mommy & Daddy are taking risks; doing what we're afraid to do to hopefully reap a reward that is far greater than playing it safe.  We're not going to lead a normal life. But we're going to lead a full life.