Monday, July 11, 2011

Our plans: Colombia

Many people have wondered what in the world Elijah and I are up to next.... This is understandable, as we seem to move every 3-6 months!!! Well, another trip is in the works~ Here's a little about what we're doing next:

Earlier this year we were praying about returning to Colombia. Elijah has had this country on his heart for many years now, and we just haven't known the right time to return. About the time we were praying, we received an email from a missionary family in Colombia, asking us to consider coming down to help them make a movie.  More specifically, Elijah would take the role of "Director of Photography."  This would be a completely new role for him, and something very exciting, for sure. We prayed about it, and sure enough, felt peace to go!

We will be in Colombia from Aug. 1st until Oct. 4th.  We are not staying longer because we have several weddings to photograph in the fall that we need to be back for (and because we're having a baby, of course).  We will fly into Bogotá, but will spend much of our time on a mountain outside of the city. The group will be renting a farm and will have a Canadian chef making the food.  There will be a pool at the farm... sounds like a little piece of paradise.  :)  I will also have a small role tutoring the director's daughter in reading.

So anyways, we're leaving but we will be back in the fall! We ask for your prayers for safety, health & inspiration while we're away!

Hasta Luego!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing life...God continues to bless you. Thank you God!
